The 100 Registers 5,500 Texas Voters During COVID-19

Due to COVID-19, The 100 Black Men of Austin, Inc. had to pivot their voter registration efforts.  To keep our members safe, we partnered with Defend Our Future to create a contactless effort to increase voter registration across the state of Texas and created a voter registration PSA that ran on local tv stations.  A direct mailer of 61,000 pre-printed voter registration forms were mailed in July in hopes of a 5% (3,000+) return.  As of December 1st, we safely registered over 5,500 voters.  Of the 61,000 voter registration forms, 21% (12,810) registered and voted in the 2020 elections.

13 of our members were also registered Voter Deputy Registrars (VDRs) and volunteered in Travis County to increase in-person voter registration.

Voter PSA